Tuesday 16 July 2013

Five Good Habits For A Healthy Life – FreeHealthCommunity.com

Five Good Habits For A Healthy Life – FreeHealthCommunity.com

Experiencing a healthy and long life requires several things, including a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, adequate sleep each night, exercise, plenty of water, and eliminating any bad habits that can cause disease, such as smoking and overeating.


The truth is that many foods that are very rich in vitamins that your body needs everyday are available for your consumption on the go. And with some minor changes, even your fast foods can be healthy choices when you're considering vitamins. With all that is available today, there is no excuse not to eat healthy.

Make or keep a wide variety of healthy foods ready at home to be eaten as snacks. Try to eat as many whole foods as you can as opposed to processed foods.

The reason processed foods are enriched in the first place is because their process has stripped them of virtually all their vital nutrients. By eating natural foods instead of processed you allow your body to have the nutrients it needs to fight disease and allow you to live a longer, healthier life.

If you are the parent of a baby, keep in mind that the first year of solid foods is a very important time for establishing your child's eating habits. Your child is constantly enticed towards foods that are appealing and not necessarily nutritious. By forming good eating habits from the beginning, they are more likely to accept a healthier diet throughout their growing years and beyond.


Starting a family fitness routine is a great way to set up your kids with a lifetime love of fitness and exercise, not to mention that it's good for your health and waistline as well.

Although most of us know the importance of exercise and physical fitness, life often gets in the way and exercise is often the last thing on your mind. How many times have you tried to adopt an exercise program, tried to quit smoking or lose weight, or give up junk food.

You don't have to be a professional athlete - just make time for 15-20 minutes of exercise daily. That's the key.


Besides exercise you need to have good sleep and rest in order to be healthy. The trick is to receive 7-9 hours of sleep each night as opposed to a few nights out of the week. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night can extend your life.


Drinking enough water every day is extremely important. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Research has shown you can speed up your metabolism by 1/3 by drinking several glasses of ice water each day. There are at least a dozen ways water aids different parts of your body, including your heart, skin and digestive system.

Get Rid of Bad Habits

Do you have any bad habits that keep you from achieving better health? Overeating, smoking, or watching TV for hours each day can lead to many health disorders such as high blood pressure, obesity, and cancer.

Ask your doctor, healthcare provider, friends and family members how you can overcome your existing bad habits and replace them with new ones.


These are basic areas that need to be followed to achieve good health. Exercise, diet, adequate water, enough sleep, and ridding yourself of bad habits such as smoking and overeating will greatly increase your chances of fighting off disease and living a long and full life.

Fish Oil Tied to Prostate Risk but Some Experts Are Skeptical – FreeHealthCommunity.com

Fish Oil Tied to Prostate Risk but Some Experts Are Skeptical – FreeHealthCommunity.com

The fish oil supplements that millions of American men take each day to cut their risk of heart disease might have a dark side, at least according to a study released today that is sure to generate controversy.
Can fish oil really prevent heart disease?
The new study, published today in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, suggests that men who have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their system face a 43 percent increased risk of developing prostate cancer and a 71 percent increased risk of the high-grade form of the disease.
To determine this, the researchers relied on data from a past study that examined the blood concentrations of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in 834 men with prostate cancer and 1,393 men without prostate cancer. When they did this, these researchers found an association between high omega-3 levels and the occurrence of prostate cancer.
Read about the effects of fish oil on breast cancer risk.
Whether the increased level of omega-3 in the men with prostate cancer was from supplements or from oily fish in their diet was unclear. But lead study author Dr. Theodore Brasky of Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center said that no matter the source, the findings suggest that men should be wary of getting too much of the nutrient.
“Men will probably want to talk to their doctors, especially those patients who have been recommended increased fish oil intake,” Brasky said. “They should probably moderate their intake of fatty fish and they should avoid fish oil supplements at this time, especially considering that when men are taking fish oil supplementation they are taking [higher doses than they need].”
But some experts say more evidence is needed before men make drastic changes. ABC News Chief Health and Medical Editor Dr. Richard Besser said that the original study from which this data was drawn was not specifically designed to look at the exact relationship between omega-3 fatty acid intake and prostate cancer, so men should think twice before discontinuing them entirely.
“This is not proof that omega 3′s cause prostate cancer,” he said.
If anything, Besser added, the finding should reinforce the notion that better dietary health does not necessarily come in a pill form.
“If you want omega 3′s, get them from food,” he said. “The more we look at supplements, the more untoward consequences we find.”

So where does this leave men who, based on this study, are worried that they will have to choose between a healthy heart and a healthy prostate?
The first thing that these men should do is speak to their doctors prior to making any changes to their diets and discontinuing current supplementation. In particular, men with active heart conditions or elevated cholesterol levels should approach their cardiologists and discuss the risk versus the benefits of consuming fatty fish and fish oil supplementation.

How to increase your sperm count – FreeHealthCommunity.comHow to increase your sperm count – FreeHealthCommunity.com The drop in the mean sperm count in normal men in the last half century is between 40-50 say experts. Here are some points you need to keep in mind if you want to increase you sperm count: Quit smoking and alcohol. Smoking impairs sperm count and motility, reduces sperm lifespan and may also cause genetic changes that affect the offspring. Similarly, alcohol lowers the production of sperm and of the male hormone testosterone. Exercise regularly but the intensity and duration should be moderate and under supervision, if possible. Excessive physical exercise has a negative influence on fertility. Lose excess weight, as it tends to cause testosterone/estrogen imbalances. Eat nutritious food, which is low in fat and high in protein, vegetables and whole grains. Reduce caffeine intake. Avoid excessive usage of lubricants and vaginal tablets, they can also cause sperm death. Do not store your cellphone in the trouser pocket, or place your laptop on your lap. Protect testicles from too much heat. Avoid high temperature conditions. Once in a while it is fine to take steam baths, spas. Wear loose undergarments. Reduce stress levels by learning relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation. Take a conscious effort to balance the physical and mental health. Physical fitness and mental relaxation improve male fertility. Anabolic steroids should be taken under the guidance of a proper doctor as it can lead to Azoospermia, the term used when there is a complete absence of sperms. Intake of vitamins like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Zinc should be regular. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are present in the semen. When the ROS are present at a high level it can result in significant damage to the semen. Vitamins can decrease the level of ROS. Vitamins help in synthesis and development and maintenance of the normal sperms and they help in avoiding the clumping of sperms. It is important to maintain good sexual health. Regular intercourse in a stable relationship reduces the chances of infections and improves the fertility. Website: http://www.FreeHealthCommunity.com

Sleep and Relationships: An Inside Look – FreeHealthCommunity.com

Sleep and Relationships: An Inside Look – FreeHealthCommunity.com

On the good side of things, my family has always been committed to good sleep hygiene because we know how important sleep is for good health. We are so committed, in fact, that we have allowed a very easygoing attitude toward the logistics of our sleeping habits (i.e., who sleeps where).
On the bad side of things, our house was like  a cross between musical beds and “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.”
Sleep and Couples, For Better or Worse
This all started when I was an intern.  My daughter was 6 six months old at the time, and not the best sleeper as an infant.  My husband, a fellow physician, was also used to being “on-call” and being awakened during the night.
He was also a realist who knew he needed sleep. And despite an infant and a beeper that often went off at all hours, he was determined to get it. Answer: He brought our daughter into the bed with him when I was working nights, and she would cry at 2 a.m.
The result was that both daddy and baby slept like logs.  My daughter became quite accustomed to sleeping with one or both parents and this habit took years to break.
The next problem in our increasingly dysfunctional sleep situation came when we got two dogs. We are a dog-loving family and so were used to having pets in the bedroom. At first, there were no issues. But as the dogs got bigger, so did their nocturnal noises: dreaming, scratching, licking, breathing and barking. All this woke me up at the drop of a dime.
5 Health Hazards Linked to Lack of Sleep
Finally, the snoring kicked in. My husband began to snore. While his snoring did not stem from something medically serious such as sleep apnea, it certainly had a serious effect on me. I awoke multiple times a night. And, like many women (and men, too), once I was up, I found it very difficult to fall back to sleep. What was happening here?
For most of my life, I have always been a good sleeper. I fall asleep within seconds of closing my eyes, and usually have no trouble waking up at or before my alarm the next morning.
Then, I became a mother.  Suddenly, I felt as if I were sleeping with eyes wide shut, so to speak.  I could swear that I heard a cry or call from my children in milliseconds.  In speaking to other mothers, this is commonly accepted fact.
Next, I became an obstetrician.  For nine years, I woke up at all hours of the night to deliver babies.  I was trained and conditioned to be able to think clearly and perform surgically immediately after awakening.
So when I started having sleep problems at home, I was perplexed.  Rather than really think about what was causing the problem, I, too (like my husband had done a decade prior), took the path of least resistance and just slinked off to a different room to get my precious sleep.
The good news is that I did, indeed, get a good night’s sleep in another room. Incredibly good, actually!
But the bad news is that I missed sharing a sleep-cave with my husband. I felt embarrassed that this dysfunctional sleeping situation had infiltrated our family, and worried about how people would judge our habits. But I was determined to get good sleep no matter what, because I had sacrificed sleep for so many years taking care of my own babies, and delivering the babies of others.
The ABC News sleep experiment we did taught me a completely new way of approaching our sleep problems and habits. We made substantive changes in our bedroom environment based on the recommendations of our sleep expert, Dr. Wendy Troxel of the Sleep Medicine Institute at the University of Pittsburgh.
We got a king-size bed (we had been sleeping in the same queen-size bed since we got married 17 years ago) and put blackout shades on the windows (we never sleep late, so we never had any shades or drapes on our windows because we never needed them for privacy in the suburbs).
We taught our dogs to sleep with our teenage son (who loves having them in his room and isn’t disturbed by their sounds) and, best of all, my husband trained himself to sleep on his side (a position in which he does not snore).
The data from our sleep study showed that my husband slept better with me by his side, and that I slept almost as well next to him, as I did alone.  I had misjudged the entire situation.
For some people, however, insomnia and snoring can indicate serious medical problems like sleep apnea, depression, medication side effects or other physical issues.  If your poor night’s sleep is leaving you moody, distracted or drowsy at work or behind the wheel, seek proper medical evaluation.
Other important tips for good sleep hygiene include: setting a consistent sleep-waking schedule and sticking to it; avoiding caffeine or alcohol; “unplugging” from smartphones, laptops and the TV at least 30 minutes before bedtime; and making sure your mattress is comfortable and the temperature in your room is right for you. I recommend 65-67 degrees).
Sleep is important for your health, and can also affect your relationship, whether you sleep together as a couple, or apart.

Exercises for staying fit Mentally – FreeHealthCommunity.com

Exercises for staying fit Mentally – FreeHealthCommunity.com

Staying fit mentally is as important as maintaining our physical health. It is vital to exercise our brain regularly just like we exercise the rest of our body. According to some studies, physical activity and brain exercise programmes help reduce anxiety and depression in individuals. Moreover, such programmes also play a key role in enhancing the plasticity of the brain, which is its ability to continue to develop and change throughout our life. Due to this unique physical process of brain plasticity, people can grow and develop their mental capacities throughout their lifetime. There are various ways by which you can stimulate your brain to strengthen its functioning and remain fit mentally. Read on…

Solving Puzzles: Did you know that brain growth in humans is a continuous process? Even in old age, studies have shown that the brain can rewire itself and grow new neurons or brain cells. Whatever, age-related memory loss occurs is due to the lack of adequate mental stimulation. Stimulating your brain with crossword puzzles or Sudoku helps to improve brain function and prevent any form of cognitive decline. According to Cognitive Rx, these exercises particularly help to improve our left brain function which uses logic, knows facts and is detail oriented. You can even add complexity to such exercises by choosing puzzles with hidden themes.

Strategy Games: Games of strategy like card games or board games are regarded as great brain stimulators. This is because they enable a person to think in logical patterns. With the advancement of technology, computer or gaming systems also offer a great opportunity to challenge one’s cognitive functions. However, it is imperative to avoid playing the same games all the time. Strategy games should be subjected to frequent alterations in terms of the nature of the games and complexity.

Cardiovascular fitness: An effective way to boost your mental fitness is by indulging in cardio trainings. Besides improving your mental health, such form of exercises also prevents the fall of brain cells with age. Hence, cardio workouts are regarded as a great way to prevent age-related memory loss like Alzheimer’s disease.

Neurobic Exercises: These exercises involve intentional stimulation of the brain for increased mental fitness and flexibility. Wondering what is so specific about these exercises? For an exercise to be regarded as neurobic, it involves using more than one of your senses at a time for performing an ordinary task. Taking a shower with your eyes closed or using only visual cues while eating are all examples of neurobic training. This also involves breaking routine habits in an unexpected, novel way like taking a new route to work.

Relaxation Techniques: The beneficial effects of relaxation techniques for stree relief have been known for a long time. Merely grabbing a few extra hours of sleep is not sufficient to combat stress. You need to activate the natural relaxation process of your body with the help of specific techniques. This involves practicing deep breathing techniques, meditation, visualisation, rhythmic exercises and yoga postures. All these fitness modules will enable you to overcome stress when it becomes overwhelming at times.

8 Ways to Avoid Beach Bloat – FreeHealthCommunity.com

8 Ways to Avoid Beach Bloat – FreeHealthCommunity.com

I have a friend who can drink a gallon of sparkling water and maintain a perfectly flat stomach. I, on the other hand, am extremely sensitive to any and all potential belly bloaters, including "bubbly" H2O. For this reason, I'm particularly conscientious about a handful of habits, at least 24 hours before I'll be wearing a form-fitting outfit, or sporting a swim suit.

If you're like me, and you have any midriff-bearing activities on the horizon, here are eight tricks that can help prevent uncomfortable, distressing belly bloat!

Avoid Carbonated Drinks
I adore sparkling water and all natural seltzer, but the little bubbles that add pizzaz can cause your belly to swell like a balloon filled with air.

Instead, stick with flat water, sip on hot or chilled ginger tea, or add fresh grated ginger to your green or black tea, water, or meals. Ginger has a calming effect on your GI tract and can help reduce gas, which adds to belly bloat.

Curb Salt and Sodium
Water is attracted to sodium like a magnet, so when you're heavy handed with the salt shaker, or you eat sodium-rich foods like bread, or soy sauce, you'll retain more water, which can leave you looking and feeling puffy and bloated.

To alleviate water retention or prevent this effect, choose high potassium foods, including avocado, papaya, mango, banana and cantaloupe. Potassium is a natural diuretic, so it helps flush out surplus sodium and fluid and de-bloat your body.

Nix Gas-Producers
While they're incredibly healthy, if you want to avoid bloating, steer clear of gas-producing foods, including broccoli, cabbage cauliflower, cucumbers, onions, Brussels sprouts, celery, apples, and beans. Each naturally produces gas, triggering an expansion of your midsection.

Fruits and veggies less likely to create this effect include carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, cantaloupe, grapes and berries
Eschew Alcohol
It may seem counterintuitive to avoid alcohol to prevent bloating, since it's dehydrating, but alcohol's diuretic effect can trigger rebound water retention, leaving you feeling puffy and swollen. Instead, stick with water, but to make it feel special, add fresh sprigs of mint, slices of lemon, lime, or a few mashed berries.

Sidestep Surplus Carbs and Sugar
Your body has the ability to store roughly 500-700 grams of carbohydrate as glycogen, energy "piggy banks" your body stockpiles for fuel. Some glycogen is stored in your liver, but most is stowed in muscle, and for every gram you stock away, you also amass about three grams of water. When you eat more carbs and sugar than usual, you retain more glycogen and fluid, which leads to a spike on the scale and a bloated feeling.

While I don't recommend avoiding carbs altogether, there are healthy ways to keep them in check. For example, make veggies the main attraction in each meal, along with lean protein, a little healthy fat, and a small portion of a healthy whole grain. Instead of ordering Chinese take-out (which typically includes mondo portions of rice and sauces laden with starch and sugar), whip up a simple stir fry made with a few handfuls of veggies, shrimp or tofu, in a sauce made with brown rice vinegar, coconut oil, fresh squeezed citrus juice, garlic, and fresh grated ginger, over a small scoop of brown or wild rice.

Dodge "Bulky" Foods
Foods that take up a lot of space in your stomach, like big salads and popcorn, are healthy choices most of the time. But if you want your stomach to look flat, your best bet is to keep your portions small, and reach for fruits and veggies that take up less space in your stomach, like cooked carrots and unsweetened, preservative free dried fruit (a half cup of cooked veggies is the equivalent of one cup raw, and a cup of fresh fruit shrinks down to a quarter cup when dried). You'll get a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, without a lot less belly distention.

Thwart Air-Expanders
Skipping meals, eating too fast, chewing gum, sucking on hard candy or mints, and drinking through a straw all cause you to swallow more air, which can get trapped in your belly, creating a poochy look. To avoid it, don't let more than five hours go by without eating, slow down, chew your food well, take your time with meals and snacks, and nix the other habits.
Steer Clear of Spicy Foods
I've fallen in love with hot peppers and fiery spices, from jalapenos to harissa, but they can irritate the GI tract and increase gas production. Prior to baring your belly, keep your meals simple, and reach for GI-soothing herbs and spices for seasoning, including mint, rosemary and cinnamon.

Cynthia Sass is a registered dietitian with master's degrees in both nutrition science and public health. Frequently seen on national TV, she's Health's contributing nutrition editor, and privately counsels clients in New York, Los Angeles, and long distance. Cynthia is currently the sports nutrition consultant to the New York Rangers NHL team and the Tampa Bay Rays MLB team, and is board certified as a specialist in sports dietetics. Her latest New York Times best seller is S.A.S.S! Yourself Slim: Conquer Cravings, Drop Pounds and Lose Inches.

20 ways to gain weight fast – FreeHealthCommunity.com

20 ways to gain weight fast – FreeHealthCommunity.com

How to gain weight is as difficult as losing weight. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration; but we all know someone who is skinny as a stick and does not shy away from food. Most of us are envious that they never put on weight, but they too wish to have a lean well toned, even curvy or muscular look.

How to gain weight: People may be underweight due to various reasons

Inadequate feeding habits, prolonged meal time gaps, poor selection of foods, increased physical activity without increasing the food intake can lead to energy deficit, are a few of the major reasons for being underweight. Other reasons can be malabsorption due to prolonged illness, diseases such as tuberculosis, cancer, hormonal imbalances (hyperthyroidism) and eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia.

How to gain weight: Healthy weight gain

Gradual weight gain is always advisable. An increase in 500 kcal per day can result in increasing the body weight by 0.5 kgs per week. Objective should be to restore a desirable weight/ ideal body weight according to one's age, gender and height. To rebuild body tissues, to maintain a good nutritional status and to maintain ideal body weight are a few reasons why healthy weight gain is important.

How to gain weight: Exercise

If you're indulging where food's concerned, beware of the inevitable skinny person's paunch. No matter what your skinny status, as you grow older, you will develop an unsightly paunch. To avoid this, you must endeavour to maintain a toned body. For this, exercise is essential. Participate in a balanced mix of cardio, weight training, and flexibility exercises every day.

How to gain weight: Lift weights for lean mass

If you haven't figured it out already, you're going to be doing some heavy lifting in order to put on lean mass. The foundation of your routine should be the big compound lifts: Squats, deadlifts, presses (bench and overhead), pull-ups, rows, dips, snatches, power cleans, clean and jerks. These engage multiple muscles while triggering your hormonal response systems.

How to gain weight: Exercises for beginners


Squat 5x5

Pull-ups 5xFailure (add weight if "Failure" is becoming more than 12 reps)

Overhead Press 5x5


Squat 5x5

Deadlift 1/2/3x5 (your choice; deadlifts can be incredibly taxing, and with exhaustion comes poor form, so be careful; sometimes it's better to do a really heavy load for a single set)

Bench Press 5x5


Squat 5x5

Pull-ups 5xFailure

Overhead Press 5x5

Do this sequence every week (maybe Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and steadily increase the weight each session. Once you're making progress, feel free to add in other exercises like dips or more Olympic lifts.

How to gain weight: Healthy diet

You may take dietary supplement, but you need a balanced diet more. You need the right amount of protein, carbs and fats. Help yourself to nuts and dairy products. Protein is the key for muscle building; this will help you gain weight.

How to gain weight: Healthy heart and weight gain diet

Add pistachios or roasted channa to your diet. Make them your evening munchies, as they help you lower risk of heart disease. Other snack ideas include whole wheat or multi grain bread/ soy sticks with hummus or peanut butter. Opt for salsa dips and chutneys as they are high on fibre and very healthy. How to Gain Weight: Increase liquid intake

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How to Gain Weight
Determine your Body Mass Index is t Fuel your body with six meals daily

If you want to gain weight, you need to build an appetite; and while this might be a tad non-traditional, you can rely on wine as a hunger stimulant. A small glass of wine before your evening meal will help you appreciate your food a whole lot more. Also, avoid drinking water before meals and in between meals, you don't want to ruin your appetite.

How to gain weight: Eat less

If you eat in between meals, cut it out. They say you should eat three large meals or five to six small meals in a day. Eating less is more. Choose food with nutritional calories and increase intake of starchy foods like potatoes. Remember, the more junk food you eat, the more you deprive your body of healthy nutrients. A thin person who gorges on junk food will suffer the same unhealthy consequences as an obese person with poor eating habits.

How to gain weight: Indulge the right way

Often times, well meaning folks will tell you to eat cakes and other sugar-heavy desserts in order to help you gain weight. While normally this strategy works perfectly for some, for others it could just lead to visceral fat - a state of being skinny fat. Skinny fat essentially means that a person appears skinny on the outside, but has fat accumulated in the wrong places (around vital organs) on the inside. Besides, sugar-heavy foods deplete your body of whatever little nutrients it might be getting from other foods.

How to gain weight: Eat lots and lots of healthy vegetables and meat
You are going to have to eat far more than before if you want to gain weight. Since body composition is 80% diet, you are going to have to stuff yourself. You need to provide lots and lots of proteins for those hormones to synthesize.

How to gain weight: Eat healthy fats

Eat plenty of healthy fats. Eat your egg yolks, meat with animal fat, coconut oil, and other healthy fats. Increase caloric intake - of the healthy kind ofcourse. So those bananas count well here.
How to gain weight: Increase protein intake

Never let your protein intake go lower than 1g/lb of body weight when you are aiming to add long-term muscle. It's the building block of muscle, and your body is going to be starving for it.

How to gain weight: Foods that help you gain weight

Whole eggs: It is economical and loaded with protein, vitamins A,D, E and good cholesterol.

Butter: Butter is linked with long term weight gain. Intake of butter should be in moderation, as regular consumption of butter is bad for your heart.

Tuna: The vital fatty acids in tuna contain a host of healthy fats, which not only aid in weight gain but also help in maintaining physical well-being.

Natural fruit juice: A healthy and nutritious way to gain some pounds, sip 100-per cent fruit juice that's full of sugar and added nutrients.

Whole wheat bread: You can eat healthy and pack on pounds at the same time by eating whole wheat bread which accounts for approximately 69 calories per slice.

How to gain weight: Food rich in good calories

Peanut butter - Spread - soft, salty peanut butter on bread. It gives you approximately 192 calories plus it is extra high in protein.

Energy bars - It is loaded with good-for-you nuts and oats. One bowl packs around 500 calories, which is healthy as well as yummy for breakfast.

Cheese - One serving of cheddar cheese packs a good 69 calories. Cheese is concentrated milk, so it is high in protein and calcium, fat, cholesterol and cheese calories.

Oil - Adding extra fat to your food is an easy way to add calories, choose olive oil, canola oil, etc. which is good for your health and will add those much needed calories too.

Banana - One banana contains approximately 100 calories. Not only are bananas rich in carbs and nutritious, they're also great for workout fuel.

How to gain weight: Daily tips to gain weight

Include three- four servings of fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. It is best to consume fruits in their natural form to get all the nutrients.

Make sure you get enough rest.

Instead of stocking up on chocolate as glucose boosters, try high-fibre, low sugar oat bars. These take care of your cravings.

Oats: A bowl of oatmeal is the perfect nutritious breakfast. It is high in fiber, and it also provides the body with vital nutrients.

Yogurt: The healthy fruit-flavored, fatless yogurt can give you as much as 118 calories. Include it in your daily diet for quick weight gain.

How to gain weight: Dietary supplements for gaining weight

Supplements should be taken only in consultation with a doctor/ dietician, only if required in case of nutrient deficiencies. How your body processes these supplements depends on what your body's needs are. The supplements that are usually associated with weight gain needs are usually carb-enriched supplements.

The same thumb-rule of focusing on your body's needs before buying supplements, applies to vitamin and mineral supplements as well. Excess of multivitamins can cause hypervitaminosis leading to various problems as diarrhoea, vomiting etc.

How to gain weight: Food habits that help you gain weight

Chew the food properly to improve digestion. Avoid excessive intake of beverages such as coffee and tea immediately after meals, as this hinders the absorption of minerals like iron. Keep a track of your weight gain as this is essential; it is healthy to increase approximately 5 to 6 kgs weight per month.

Cook smartly, using a wide variety of food choices that are beneficial for health. Use a variety of fruits and vegetables to make salads, and rely on healthy appetisers (ex: Amla pudina chutney).

How to gain weight: Unhealthy habits for gaining unhealthy weight

- Lack of sleep may be making you fat

- Eating in the car

- Eating in front of the TV

- Food rut - eating the same thing day in and day out

- Finishing everything on your plate and peer pressure

- "Coffee shopping" or for some of us it is the "meet up for a drink"

How to gain weight: After gaining the right weight

The right combination of healthy food, exercise, right breathing, rest and sleep go a long way in a happier and healthier you. Once you've gained the right amount of weight that you desire to gain, you'll realise that your naturally thin body will look far more toned and curved at the right places, than you ever thought possible!